THE journey from Indonesia to Russia via China and Mongolia, yes, hello, I’m Adit, 25 years old, solo traveler from Indonesia. My current position, on Irkutsk, Russia. I’m a backpacker which is I’m traveling with tight budget and always survive with free accommodation, free food, and sometimes free transportation such as hitchhike.
So far I already traveled for 9 countries since August 2017 until now, and mostly I did it by overland. I start my trip from South to the North, here’s my route and my transportation :
- Indonesia to Singapore by plane
- Singapore to Malaysia by bus
- Malaysia to Ho Chi Minh by plane
- Ho Chi Minh to Cambodia by bus
- Cambodia to Thailand by bus
- Thailand to Laos by bus
- Laos to Hanoi by bus
- Hanoi to China by bus and train
- China to Mongolia by bus and train
- Mongolia to Russia by bus
I just want to share some stories about my journey from China to Mongolia, here’s some topic that I will share :
I. Processing Russian Visa in Beijing
II. Processing Mongolian Visa in Beijing
III. Overland from China to Mongolia via Zamyn-Üüd Border
IV. Processing Russian Visa in Ulaanbaatar
V. The Northern Part of Mongolia
VI. Surprised at the end of my journey in Mongolia
I hope it will be useful.
Here’s my story.
The Journey from Indonesia to Russia via China and Mongolia
Part I: Processing Russian Visa in Beijing
I almost gave up when I’m in China, there were only 2 options between, I got a job, working for 2 years, saving more money, buying the winter stuff and continue my journey to Russia or If I didn’t get a job, I’ll get back to my country.
Why I need to get a job in China, and why I should work at least 2 years in China? I did some research before on the internet, about how to get Russian Visa in China, most of them said, It’s hard to get Russian Visa in China, another said, at least you should working for 2 years to get residence permit then you can be easily to get Russian Visa.
That’s my first reason why almost give up. Another reason is the weather, during the winter Russia has extreme cold weather around -40°C until -70°C, I don’t have any good winter stuff. I’ve been searched before about the price for winter stuff, and it’s pretty expensive for me.