The Journey from Indonesia to Russia via China and Mongolia
Part II: Processing Mongolian Visa in Beijing
Finding the way how to get Russian Visa required perseverance. I looked to the map, which country that close to Russia, there’s 1 option that I can try. Yup that’s Mongolia, I choose it, because my direction is keep going to the north, and at the time there’s 1 coincidence that made me decided Mongolia as my next country.
I was disappointed, and tired with all of my situation, then I saw one account posted a picture on Instagram about Mongolian Tribe, Eagle Hunter. Wow it’s very interesting, and made me want to visit that country only to see the Eagle Hunter.
I tried to get the information how to get Mongolian Visa in Beijing, there’s one website “nomadasaurus” they told us, that it’s very easy to get Mongolian Visa in Beijing. I also checked, do I need apply a visa for that country, and numerous websites showed Indonesia as the one country that need a visa to enter Mongolia, then I prepared all of my documents.
But when I’m arrived, the results totally surprised me. The officer asked me twice, “is it official passport?” I said, yes, of course. Then he said, you don’t need any visa to enter Mongolia. I didn’t believe him directly, I told him, “based on my researched I need a visa to enter Mongolia” then he showed me the picture from embassy that Indonesia as visa-free country, and I have 30 days free entry. It’s very good news for me.
The Journey from Indonesia to Russia via China and Mongolia
Part III: Overland from China to Mongolia via Zamyn-Üüd Border
Yup, on 9 January I left China. 2 coincidences that happened to me actually have another meaning. The 4 characters that I bought, I gave it one, to my lovely student in Tianjin.
His name is Jackson. I met him on the class, at the time he’s lonely. No one with him, then I came to him, introduce my self and tried to talk with him. At the first, he’s not really care with me but I always sit beside him, and ask to play or talk with him. Step by step, he enjoyed with me.
I don’t know his parents divorced long time ago, he lives with his grandma. His mother alcoholic and didn’t care about him, his father the owner of 5 stars hotel in Tianjin which is Jackson is very rich kid, the impacts of being rich are, he didn’t respect to anyone, he didn’t care with his education, and he has bad attitude. No one teachers likes him. Many organization reject him as a student, everybody hates him. He’s lonely.
I knew everything about him on the last day I’m in China but the good thing is, his life changed when I came. That’s why we became a best friend, he said on the last day, he likes me, he asked me to put my name on his book, sign it for him, and put my phone number.
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